As the COVID-19 pandemic spread and nations, states, and municipalities began to enforce social distancing and stay-at-home policies, the Foundation’s long-time partners—colleges and universities, museums, small and large not-for-profit organizations—were rapidly and adversely affected. Almost immediately, program directors began hearing about cancelled events, delayed projects, lost revenues, and vulnerable students and employees. Partner organizations initially sought flexibility in implementing projects, but as it became clear that the crisis would persist for months, many asked for additional help. Some wanted permission to reallocate existing grant monies to salaries or general operating costs; others hoped that new grants could be made to address urgent needs.
At a special meeting convened for this purpose, the Foundation’s Board authorized the President to approve the reallocation of grant monies in cases in which grant recipients experience serious adverse effects as a result of the pandemic. In addition, the Board authorized the awarding of up to $5 million in new urgent-needs grants in support of long-time partners, or communities and sectors, that are suffering from the pandemic or efforts to control it. Such grants—up to $250,000 each—will be awarded on an as-needed basis, outside of the regular grants calendar.
These new urgent-needs grants will be listed on the Foundation’s website as they are approved.
Current grantees and applicants can find more information addressing specific needs and questions on the COVID-19 FAQs page, as well as resources for finding additional assistance.
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