
This INAIL grant—for $25,000—will go to Native Americans in Philanthropy to support attendance by tribal leaders at the annual Tribal Summit. The White House has convened the first in-person Summit since the pandemic. This event brings together representatives of all the Federally recognized tribes in the US to meet with Administration and elected officials. Many tribes, however, do not have the resources to pay for a trip to Washington by tribal leaders. Native Americans in Philanthropy has sought to raise funds to offset the cost of attendance by less well-resourced tribes. NAP aims to provide aid to some 65 tribal leaders; United South and Eastern Tribes, a multi-tribal association, to spread the word about the availability of assistance and to distribute the aid. Marguerite Casey, Ford, and Wilburforce have also committed support. This grant directly advances INAIL’s priorities, which include expanding governmental support for Indigenous knowledge.