
A grant to CfR will support a research project led by journalist and former Luce Scholar Josh Kurlantzick. Kurlantzick proposes to carry out a project on the impact of militarization on democracy globally and the role of the US, China, and Russia. He plans to convene scholars, policy experts, and local civil society leaders for several roundtable discussions and a workshop over the course of a year. The project will produce a series of case studies on nations that exemplify the trend of militarization, including Brazil, Mali, Burma, Indonesia, Mexico, Sudan, and Thailand. Participants will generate scholarly articles, policy briefings, and blog posts. CfR will also organize public events to share the findings more broadly. More than simply a scholarly analysis, though, the project also aims to “offer prescriptions for countries affected by militarization and broader autocratization, for how to restore democratic norms and institutions, bolster civic engagement, and reduce the power of militaries in politics.” The grant will be used primarily to support Mr. Kurlantzick and his research associate. The grant advances the democracy initiative’s third goal—to strengthen citizens’ confidence that democracy can satisfy their practical needs and aspirations.