
As noted in IIE’s application, this proposal builds on meetings in DC at the PRC Embassy (spring 2022) and in NY at IIE (spring 2023). These prior and the current effort have been organized by Denis Simon, former Executive Vice Chancellor of Duke Kunshan University in China, and David Fleshler, Case Western University’s Vice Provost for International Affairs. IIE’s CEO Allan Goodman has been central to the discussions. Helena Kolenda participated in both gatherings.
The proposed convening, to take place September 18-20, 2023 in NY, is significant in providing a venue for senior administrators from a broad range of universities in both countries to discuss in depth and propose solutions to issues plaguing U.S.-China scholarly collaboration and exchange. Our funds will help cover the cost of small-group meals other networking events to enable more informal (and thus likely more candid) conversations outside of the plenary sessions, to build and strengthen relationships. I am pleased to recommend a grant of $12,500 for this purpose. The balance of the $25K budget will be drawn from other funds available to IIE from Open Society Foundations.
Additional detail can be found in Simon’s two e-mails attached to this FC record. Also attached is Mariko Silver’s approval to use C+I monies to support this project. 
The grant will advance our Goal 1 strategy to support research and convenings to address the impact of U.S.-China relations on China-focused research and bilateral academic exchange, with the aim to foster dialogue and identify solutions to current impasses. The meeting will aid HLF’s understanding of where additional investments are most urgent and can be most useful.
Submitted by Helena Kolenda