
Launched with initial support from the Lilly Endowment, “Democracy as Spiritual Practice Amidst Our Great Divides” is a multi-year congregational learning journey for spiritual practitioners from North Carolina and Pennsylvania, with an emphasis on democratic engagement, healing from racial trauma, and undermining white supremacy. With the Luce Foundation’s support, the initiative will assemble a new advisory council, comprising four leaders from North Carolina and Pennsylvania and four national leaders who share a commitment to connecting local communities with broader religious and civic networks. Council members will participate in the initiative’s ongoing programs and activities, being engaged as teachers, mentors, and thought partners. The Luce Foundation’s grant will fund four in-person gatherings, stipends for participants in the advisory council, three online program design meetings, travel, media training, funding for collaborations, and an online capstone meeting. 
This will be the Luce Foundation’s first grant to the Faith Matters Network. 
This grant would advance the Religion and Theology Program’s goal of deepening public knowledge of American religion by growing and strengthening the creative efforts of diverse public knowledge makers.