We are proud to support the efforts of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) to respond to the educational and professional needs of Asian Studies scholars. An emergency grant from the Asia Program will fund open-access publications about the impact of COVID-19 on research in and the teaching of Asian Studies. AAS will also launch new programming to explore current issues in the field and develop a new platform to help bring Asianists from around the world together as a community.

The Association for Asian Studies is pleased to announce that we have received a $150,000 grant from the Henry Luce Foundation to support new programs and publications responding to the needs of Asian Studies scholars in 2020. The challenges presented by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic have inspired new paradigms for research, outreach, and education on Asia. This funding from the Luce Foundation recognizes the importance of engaging with our membership and the public through new content and platforms.

Among the projects to be funded by Luce are two open-access volumes of Asia Shorts: one on the impact of COVID-19 on Asia and Asian Studies research, and the other on teaching about Asia in a time of global crisis. The open-access volumes will provide critical and timely perspectives on Asian Studies’ relevance to this contemporary context.

Luce support will also enable us to launch a new online series, “AAS Digital Dialogues,” for our members and the public. Digital Dialogue webinar sessions will cover important issues in the field of Asian Studies and professional development topics. Upcoming webinars will discuss “Asian Studies and Black Lives Matter,” “Asian Studies and the Global Health Crisis,” and “Asian Identities in 2020,” as well as sessions on preparing publications and conference presentations.

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