
A 12-month grant of $200,000 for programming associated with the museum’s centennial.   Total Budget:                                                  $994,892, 20% funded by HLF Other sources of support:                              E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation, Eugene V. and Clare E. Thaw Charitable Trust, American Friends of the Shanghai Museum, Blakemore Foundation, Bei Shan Tang Foundation, and individual donations.    In its 100 th year, the NMAA (formerly Freer|Sackler Galleries) will unveil new initiatives designed to highlight art’s role in cultural diplomacy and dialogue, and to engage visitors actively in learning about Asian art and cultures. The centerpiece will be Anyang: China’s Ancient City of Kings . Formal excavation of this early Bronze Age site began in 1928 in a collaboration between the Freer and China’s Academia Sinica. For the exhibition, two Chinese advisors with extensive experience at Anyang, both of whom received ACLS fellowships through HLF’s Archaeology Initiative, will contribute to the project and present at a symposium. In other programming during the centennial, audiences will be able to speak directly with artists and others in Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia via immersive audio-visual technology, listen to oral histories on collections and their provenance, and join experiential learning programs on conservation and cultural heritage preservation.   This grant would advance Asia’s Goal 3 (enhance public awareness of and engagement with Asia).