
The National Committee on American Foreign Policy (NCAFP) was founded in 1974 by Hans Morgenthau, to “identify, articulate, and advance American foreign policy interests from a nonpartisan perspective within the framework of political realism.”   The Forum on Asia Pacific Security (Forum) is one of its flagship projects, run for over two decades by the Committee’s vice president Donald Zagoria.  Since 2004, the Foundation has assisted NCAFP’s efforts, most recently through a 2016 grant for the Forum.  NCAFP requests ongoing support for the Forum’s activities.
                  The Forum is one of the most longstanding Track II initiatives on U.S.-Asia relations.  It enjoys strong relationships with key interlocutors in China, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea and high-level access in capitals on both sides of the Pacific.  Zagoria writes, “The organizing principle of our activities is to maintain and strengthen frank and productive dialogue on areas of common concern, so as to highlight areas of potential cooperation and to better manage areas of disagreement.  Track II work is designed to fill the gaps in official policy, and to offer policy recommendations and insights….  At a time when there is uncertainty in the Asia-Pacific region about U.S. policies and staying power, it is essential to have an … authoritative group of former U.S. officials, experts and policy specialists who can provide our Asian counterparts with a broad assessment of U.S. interests and policies in the region.”
The Forum organizes annual bilateral and multilateral policy dialogues; produces and distributes reports, papers and edited volumes featuring essays from prominent scholars and experts; undertakes an annual fact-finding trip to Asia to meet with officials and policymakers; hosts off-the-record meetings with visiting Asian delegations; and briefs American officials on the results of its discussions.  Main issue areas include how to sustain cooperation with a rising China, manage cross-Taiwan Strait relations, strengthen U.S. alliances in the region, and address the North Korean nuclear program.
A grant from the Luce Foundation, to support staffing, travel, meetings and publications, would help cover gaps in funding from other sources, which is often earmarked for particular purposes.  For example, funding from the Carnegie Corporation and the MacArthur Foundation is specific to the North Korean nuclear issue and does not assist the Forum’s cross-Strait work.
Recommendation:                              That the Directors of the Henry Luce Foundation approve a two-year grant of $350,000 to the National Committee on American Foreign Policy for continuation of the Forum on Asia Pacific Security.