
With the support of a series of smaller Luce grants, religion scholars Dr. Melissa Wilcox and Dr. Joseph Marchal have convened a growing network of researchers working at the intersections of religious studies and the study of LGBTQ communities, conceiving and launching a new open access academic journal for queer and transgender studies in religion, to be published by Duke University Press. Their work is centrally motivated by the desire to bridge existing gaps among diverse scholarly communities, and by the recognition that “while some have used religious argumentation to target queer and trans people, it is also true that many queer and trans people are religious and find community and affirmation in religions.” New funding from Luce will extend and deepen the journal’s efforts, increasing the capacity of its public-facing companion website, and allowing its editors to consult widely with a range of academic and community partners, in anticipation of the potential establishment of a new interdisciplinary center.