The Henry Luce Foundation—with partner institutions Carnegie Corporation of New York, Ford Foundation, Harvard-Yenching Institute, and Rockefeller Brothers Fund—is pleased to support the China-U.S. Scholars Program, administered by the Institute of International Education, which will fund academic exchange opportunities for Chinese and American faculty and students.

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The Institute of International Education (IIE), the nonpartisan world leader in international educational exchange, and administrator of over two hundred international educational programs, today announced a new one-time China-U.S. Scholars Program. The program is made possible through a $3.1 million commitment made by five private foundations: Carnegie Corporation of New York*, Ford Foundation, Harvard-Yenching Institute, Henry Luce Foundation, and Rockefeller Brothers Fund. Through this funding collaboration, one-time grants will be made to IIE to administer the program.

The China-U.S. Scholars Program will support 48 Chinese and American faculty and students in the arts, humanities and social sciences with opportunities to conduct research, study or teach abroad in the U.S. or China in the 2021-22 academic year.

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