
Through a series of earlier grants, the the Luce Foundation has supported a range of projects related to Latino/a theological education. Extending from that earlier work, this relatively small special grant would support a virtual conference being organized by the Association for Hispanic Theological Education (AETH). The conference will take place on June 2-4, 2021. AETH anticipates the participation of at least 500 leaders involved at different levels in the theological formation of Hispanic-Latino/a leaders, drawn from diverse geographical, denominational, and socio-cultural backgrounds.   A non-profit organization dedicated to the promotion and improvement of theological education and its impact on the lives of people, churches and communities, AETH seeks to promote and certify the quality of Hispanic theological education programs and “to contribute to the development of the leadership of women and men who strengthen our congregations and communities.” Previous Luce Foundation grants have supported, in particular, AETH’s efforts to develop standards and certification practices for Hispanic Bible Institutes, in collaboration with the Association of Theological Schools.
Funds from the Luce Foundation’s grant in support of the Third Encuentro would provide small scholarships for bible institute and seminary students, pastors and other leaders who don’t have the economic means to cover the full cost of the $90 virtual conference registration, and modest stipends for more than two dozen presenters and workshop facilitators.