In response to the multiple crises facing U.S. higher education today—from austerity and increased reliance on adjunct work to falling public trust in institutions–Roosevelt Institute has submitted a proposal to conduct a landscape analysis surveying the broad body of research on the financialization of higher education. RI will deliver a research paper with high-level analysis of the field, providing a comprehensive and holistic view of the higher education political economy. By excavating the dense interconnections between funding mechanisms, governance structures, and institutional policies, RI aims to advance informed solutions that will restore belief in the value of education as a public good. Drawing on a decade of work in this programmatic area, RI will provide informed policy recommendations to ensure that higher education continues to play a role in creating a flourishing economy and democracy.
RI will analyze how funding streams, governing structures, and existing policy affect the ability of higher education institutions to fulfill their missions. RI will conduct research and interviews to better understand how these financial models fail or foster equity for students on campuses, advance scholarly research, and enable schools to meet our national economic and civic needs. Additionally, the study will provide insight on how recent attacks on higher ed have broadly impacted campuses. Based on these findings RI will develop policy recommendations to shift public perception and cultural narratives around these issues. These recommendations will leverage RI’s extensive networks for dissemination through convenings, webinars, and targeted media outreach.