
The Maxwell Museum of Anthropology (MMA) on the campus of the UNM seeks funding for a collaborative research project to address its collection of Pueblo pottery. It is the first phase of work on a forthcoming exhibition, “Families in Pueblo Pottery: Re-Generating Art, Experience, and Practice,” slated to open in late 2024 or early 2025. (The AAP was initially approached for funding for the entire project but suggested that a modest grant to support this phase of consultation and information-gathering in partnership with Native artists would best serve the larger project goals. Depending on the ultimate exhibition checklist, the AAP would invite an application for either a loan- or collection-based exhibition grant.) MMA’s original Pueblo pottery holdings have been underutilized since the presentation of a groundbreaking exhibition, ‘Seven Families in Pueblo Pottery,” nearly 50 years ago. A recent gift has significantly expanded the collection and catalyzed the planned “Families in Pueblo Pottery” exhibition.
In light of the MMA’s questionable history as an anthropology museum, MMA seeks to serve Native artists and communities related to the heritage objects in its care and present the Pueblo pottery in a way that articulates and celebrates the work through the lens of Indigenous perspectives and beliefs. This project will aim to reground the collection in Pueblo histories, values, and practices, aligning the project with MMA’s new vision: Reconciling Injustices, Restoring Voices, and Realizing Community. Grant funds would support: travel expenses and honoraria for Native artists to research, document, and select objects from the Maxwell’s collection to form the core of the exhibition; MMA curator’s travel to communities and potential lender institutions; and exhibition-focused convening and celebratory gathering of all participants at the close of the research phase. MMA envisions this project as additionally focused on establishing strong relationships with the Pueblo artists and communities.
[Related AAP strategic goals: 1a; 3a]