Dr. Esma Gel, a Clare Boothe Luce Program grantee, is the Cynthia Harton Milligan, Chair of Business and Professor at the University of Nebraska Lincoln College of Business. Before that, she taught industrial engineering at Arizona State University for 22 years.

Originally from Turkey, Dr. Gel developed a deep appreciation for mathematics through a demanding education system emphasizing math and science. Attending a specialized school for high-achieving students, Gel never believed in being “gifted” but instead in the value of hard work and grit. Surrounded by math throughout their academic journey, Gel grew to see math as a universal, beautiful language, capable of expressing complex ideas—even if solutions to problems were not always immediately attainable.

Dr. Gel firmly believes in the adaptability of mathematics, considering it a fundamental tool that transcends disciplines. It helps solve real-world problems in fields ranging from business to disaster management. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Gel was able to apply mathematical models to epidemiology, despite having no formal background in the field. This instance illustrates the universality and adaptability of math. She sees math as a universal language, and quips that it could even be used to communicate with extraterrestrial beings, if they existed, due to its inherent precision and objectivity.

Gel acknowledges that difficulties with math often stem from struggles with arithmetic or math notation, likening it to learning to read music. Once familiar with its symbols, math becomes an efficient and elegant way to express ideas. Gel sees math as a natural human inclination—fundamental to the development of civilization—and envisions a future where AI will handle more complex mathematical tasks, freeing people to focus on framing problems and deeper analytical thinking. This evolution of math, blending into computational thinking, will make it an even more integral tool in the future, ushering in a new era of innovation and problem-solving.

Dr. Gel is a strong advocate for embracing the future, believing it will be filled with exciting possibilities driven by the ongoing integration of mathematics and AI. She encourages everyone to be part of this new era, which promises to be a time of unprecedented innovation and problem-solving.