In 2016, the Higher Education Program awarded a grant to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences to support the work of the Commission on Language Learning. It’s goal was to evaluate how foreign language learning influences economic growth, cultural diplomacy, productivity, and the fulfillment of all Americans. In 2017, the Commission released a report—America’s Languages: Investing in Language Learning for the 21st Century—which emphasized the critical role of language learning to our nation’s prosperity and security and made specific recommendations to improve language education in the United States.
Based on these recommendations, Congressman David Price (D-NC) and Congressman Don Young (R-AK) announced the creation of the Congressional Caucus on American Languages. The bipartisan effort will promote foreign language education in the United States and develop a national strategy to raise awareness about the importance of language learning and international education.
Congressman David Price (D-NC) and Congressman Don Young (R-AK) announced the creation of the Congressional Caucus on American Languages, a bipartisan effort to support and enhance foreign language competency and international education among students and professionals across the United States.
The decision to launch a new America’s Language Caucus resulted from a 2017 American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Commission on Language Learning report: America’s Languages: Investing in Language Education for the 21st Century that makes clear that the United States needs significantly more bilingual and biliterate citizens to help ensure national security, promote economic and job growth, and develop the potential of every American student.
“It’s alarming that United States students are falling behind their international peers in language competency and international education,” said Congressman Price, Co-Chair of the newly formed America’s Language Caucus. “Congressman Don Young and I joined together to start the bipartisan America’s Language Caucus to bring attention to this issue and help foster change by expanding access to language education at all levels to help bolster national security, promote economic growth, and improve our nation’s cultural competency.”
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