
  The AAPI Civic Engagement Fund (AAPI Fund) was established in 2013 in response to the under-investment in and disenfranchisement of AAPI communities.  AAPI Fund works with local- and state-based AAPI communities to foster a culture of civic engagement–guaranteeing voting rights, forging strategic alliances, expanding the AAPI electorate, and nurturing next-generation AAPI leaders.  Renewed funding from Luce will further its efforts to strengthen community resilience, elevate AAPI voices, build narrative power, and improve civic engagement practices.  Priorities identified for 2024 include large-scale public opinion research projects to provide more nuanced data on AAPI viewpoints on key issues, create baseline and tracking polls, and develop messaging guides to counter anti-Asia (particularly China/Chinese) sentiment during the upcoming election season.       This grant would advance the Asia Program’s Goal 3 (Enhance public awareness of and engagement with Asians and Asian Americans).