
  In April 2021, HLF awarded a special grant of $48,000 to the American Mandarin Society (AMS) to pilot the African-American China Leadership Fellows program (AACLF). The Asia Program now recommends a special grant of $80,000 to AMS in renewed support for the program.    The primary goals of AACLF are to help mid-career African American China professionals navigate the next stages of their careers by helping them make connections and build networks, providing peer support, raising their professional profiles, and honing soft and hard skills. Competitive candidates have already had some exposure to Mandarin Chinese and personal experience in Greater China or demonstrated interest in a China-focused career. As an intergenerational project, senior African American mentors serve as role-models and share their experiences and networks with younger colleagues. Activities include professional development seminars, skills building workshops, speaker events, and a trip to Washington DC.   In its inaugural year, five fellows in government (State Department, Homeland Security, US-China Economic and Security Review Commission), law, and journalism were paired with a mentor for one-on-one sessions every two weeks and monthly meetings of the cohort. The itinerary of speaker events is listed in the proposal. Fellows led the workshops, in the process strengthening their presentation and moderation skills. While much of the interaction was virtual due to the pandemic, the capstone trip to Washington, DC took place, during which the group was recognized at the US-China Business Council’s annual gala, attended by over 300 members.   AMS reports that the pilot succeeded in both tangible and intangible ways. Some fellows made career advancements and others refined or revised plans based on the advice they received. All underscored the importance of the mentoring for enhancing a sense of belonging, navigating challenges, and boosting confidence to stay in the China field at a critical point in their careers. AMS was able to develop program recognition and identify new allies. Based on the experience, AMS plans to expand the program to ten fellows per year, with the goal of supporting 50 fellows over the coming five years.    The AACLF calendar begins with preparation early in the year followed by fellow selection in March. Renewed support at this time would assist AMS with arrangements for the second cohort. Because the program runs from April through November each year, we plan to bring a recommendation for a larger, multi-year grant before the HLF Board in November, to better align with the AACLF schedule going forward.    The annual budget for the program is approximately $180K. Our funding, to be applied to mentor compensation, staff salaries and travel, would be joined with support from Albright Stonebridge Group, Rhodium Group and Cummins Inc. Carnegie Corporation is providing a general support grant to AMS.    The project aligns with the Asia Program’s goals and objectives to contribute to knowledge about China and the improvement of U.S.-China relations, prepare the next generation to engage with Asia, and support efforts to build a more diverse pipeline in Asia-focused work.   The American Mandarin Society was established to assist Americans who have returned from study and work in Greater China to maintain and develop their Mandarin Chinese language skills, keep in touch with the region, and build the professional networks that will allow them to contribute to U.S. efforts to engage with the Asia-Pacific. Its 3,000-plus members include federal, state, and city government employees, businesspeople, scholars, employees of civil society groups, and other professionals.     Submitted by Helena Kolenda