
I write to recommend a grant of $50,000 from INAIL to the Social Good Fund for the documentary film project, “Inhabitants.” As you know, the film depicts how several Native nations are using traditional knowledge and practices to manage the effects of climate change on their communities. For example, the Karuk of Northern California are using controlled burns—as their forbears did—to reduce the risk of wildfires. And the Hopi of Arizona practice dry farming to grow crops successfully in places that receive minimal rain.
Anna Palmer and Costa Boutsikaris are the co-directors of the film and have been working closely with an indigenous advisory board to script and shoot it. The film itself is now complete, and the project team is keen to share it with the public at large and especially with students. The have retained to services of two Indigenous engagement managers to help them reach Native American audiences. The team has already produced an educational guide and an action guide to support audience engagement. 
They would also like to create formal lesson plans that conform to national curriculum standards and thus can be used directly by classroom teachers. Each lesson plan will correspond to one of the five community stories featured in the film and can be implemented within the context of a 60 minute class period.
Grant funding will be used to hire a consultant who can produce appropriately formatted and organized lesson plans. It will also enable Palmer and Boutsikaris to extend the contracts of the Indigenous engagement managers, who will lead the effort to reach tribes, tribal colleges, and tribally-controlled K-12 schools. The funding will supplement a grant from the Kalliopeia Foundation which underwrote film production and the early engagement efforts.
Such a grant is entirely in keeping with INAIL’s goals: the funded project documents and amplifies Indigenous knowledges and also makes clear how such knowledges can inform policy and practice not only in Indian Country but beyond. 
I hope you will approve this investment in a project that is eye-opening and inspiring.
Many thanks for your consideration. 
Sean Buffington