
Since its inception 45 years ago, the Luce Scholars Program has provided an opportunity for young Americans with strong leadership potential to live and work in Asia.  Every year we select 15-18 Luce Scholars based on competitive nominations from 75 colleges and universities across the U.S. and place them in over a dozen Asian countries.  The focus of the program is cultural immersion through professional placement.  Working at diverse local and regional institutions where, at least initially, they often feel uncomfortable linguistically, culturally and professionally, Luce Scholars learn to challenge themselves, develop a sophisticated understanding of a dynamic region critical to America’s future, and gain a new way to see the world and the U.S. alike.  In doing so, they pay tribute to the legacy of the Luce family, and embody the Luce Foundation’s work in strengthening international understanding, building bridges and promoting leadership.
            The program has prided itself on its individually tailored nature, offering close mentorship and practical assistance before and during the Scholars’ Luce year.  In Asia, we have partnered with The Asia Foundation (TAF) since the first class crossed the Pacific.  With a network of field offices throughout Asia and detailed knowledge of local organizations and conditions, TAF remains uniquely qualified to manage Luce Scholar placements and provide support services in eligible countries and regions, expanded to 19 from the original six: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Korea, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Timor Leste and Vietnam.
            Over the years, the Luce Foundation has awarded to TAF a series of nine multi-year grants, between 1977 and 2014, to renew the partnership and support the program’s administration in Asia.  In November 2018, we switched to an annual renewal model, parallel to other long-term fellowship programs of the Foundation, and the Board approved a one-year grant of $800,000.
            This new grant would cover the wide variety of tasks for which TAF is responsible.  Identifying an individualized placement for each Scholar is time-consuming and resource-intensive, but it has remained a distinguishing feature of the program.  TAF also takes care of procuring visas and arranging health insurance, among other logistical tasks.  Once Scholars arrive in Asia, TAF provides in-country orientation, manages their summer language training in Asia, serves as a resource for them while they are in the field, facilitates their wrap-up meeting, and includes them in each TAF office’s security plan to assure their safety.  The grant also includes expanded health coverage to include mental health.  TAF’s designated staffing includes David Kim, the Luce Scholars Coordinator, who works closely with the Program Director Li Ling and Program Associate Michelle Douenias to ensure smooth operation.
Luce Foundation Directors Terrence B. Adamson and Mary Brown Bullock are trustees of The Asia Foundation.
Recommendation:   That the Directors of the Henry Luce Foundation approve a one-year grant of $800,000 to The Asia Foundation for renewed support for administering the Luce Scholars Program in Asia.