Ian H. Solomon is dean of the Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, University of Virginia, where he leads a multidisciplinary faculty of scholars and practitioners committed to creating knowledge, developing ethical and effective leaders, and advancing solutions to humanity’s most significant policy challenges.

Trained as a lawyer, Solomon is a devoted student and teacher of negotiation and conflict resolution. Throughout his career, he has dedicated himself to improving the lives of people across the globe by integrating insights from his experiences in higher education, government, the private sector, and international organizations.

Solomon served in the U.S. Senate for four years as legislative counsel to then-Senator Barack Obama. Later, under the Obama administration, Congress confirmed him unanimously as the U.S. executive director for the World Bank Group, where he championed private-sector development in Africa and negotiated a range of multi-stakeholder agreements. Solomon has also been a consultant with McKinsey & Company, an associate dean and visiting lecturer at Yale Law School, and a vice president and lecturer in law at the University of Chicago. Before joining the Batten School, he led his international consulting practice focused on conflict and collaboration.

Originally from New York City, Solomon earned his A.B. from Harvard University and his J.D. from Yale Law School. He is a Council on Foreign Relations member and has traveled and worked extensively in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America.