The “Mapping the Muslim Atlantic” report from the Bridging Voices project at British Council USA examines past and current networks between US and UK Muslims, including those that have formed in recent decades to face common challenges, such as increasingly negative public attitudes on Islam. The authors discuss how issues of gender, race, and the securitization of Islam are experienced in the UK as compared to the US.

‘Mapping the Muslim Atlantic’ — the first report from this project — provides an overview of key links formed between US and UK Muslims, including networks of various Islamic traditions first built in the 1950s and 60s as well as more recent networks of political solidarity and professional ties. The report identifies three core themes in contemporary transatlantic Muslim discourse, namely gender, race, and the securitization of Islam and Muslim communities. We consider how the terms of these discussions differ on both sides of the Atlantic and key points of convergence and divergence.

Read the Report